- Table of Contents
- APPENDIX A - List of All Text Amendments Through 2022
- APPENDIX B - Decommissioning Plan for a Solar Energy Facility
- ARTICLE 1 - Purpose and Authority
- ARTICLE 2 - Interpretations and Definitions
- ARTICLE 3 - General Regulations
- ARTICLE 4- In General Admin, Legis, Quasi Power
- ARTICLE 5 - Administrative Procedures - Permits, Enforcement and Appeals
- ARTICLE 6 - Quasi-Judicial Procedure - Permits, Enforcement, and Appeals
- ARTICLE 7 - Legislative Procedure - Permits, Enforcement, and Appeals
- ARTICLE 8 - Zoning Districts and Table of Permitted Uses
- ARTICLE 9 - Other Design Standards
- ARTICLE 10 - Off-Street Parking and Loading, Signs, Landscaping and Buffering, Outdoor Lighting
- ARTICLE 11 - Development Regulations for Specific Uses
- ARTICLE 12 - Manufactured Home Parks
- ARTICLE 13 - Solar Energy Systems
- ARTICLE 14 - Wireless Communications
- ARTICLE 15 - Land Subdivision Ordinance
- ARTICLE 16 - Permits and Development Agreements
- ARTICLE 17 - Vested Rights and Moratoria
- ARTICLE 18 - Non-Conforming Situations
- ARTICLE 19 - Water Supply Watershed Ordinance
- ARTICLE 20 - Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
- Clarkton ZO, Notebook Cover
- Cross Connection Control Ordinance
- Signature Page - Clarkton Zoning Ordinance