The Town of Clarkton’s current tax rate is 0.61 cents per $100 of total assessed valuation.
Your annual property taxes are mailed by Bladen County Tax Administration in August.
Property taxes are due by September 1st of each year and are payable at par until January 5th of the following year. On January 6th, the previous year’s taxes are considered delinquent, will accrue 2% interest, and are immediately subject to collection remedies including garnishment of wages, seizure of bank accounts and/or foreclosure.
Interest is accrued every month after January at 0.75% interest until paid in full.
Delinquent taxes are advertised between March and April per North Carolina General Statutes.
If you have any questions regarding your tax account, please contact the Tax Collector, Adreiona Smith at (910) 647-5961.
Follow the link below to access Bladen County’s GIS Mapping